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Follow our jorney in travel, in dance and in our philosophy

Dancing takes you up and dancing takes you down – How to handle rejection in the dancing scene is not as hard as you think!

Everyone who dances know couples dancing has its up’s and down’s. Especially becoming a dancer or getting in as a newbie in a new scene inevitably means somewhat of an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes, extreme disappointment through a series of rejections can be enough to make some people quit dancing completely. In this article we

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skills & styles for the words most passionate dancers!

Vulputate enim. Hac iaculis Imperdiet cras cummetus,suspendissedonecnisi facilisis enim eget amet. Tortor tempor purus dolor ornare suspendisse orci taciti tinciduntsodalesvolutpat. Lorem hymenaeos habitant. Primis. Vulputate enim. Hac iaculis Imperdiet cras cummetus,suspendissedonecnisi facilisis enim eget amet. Tortor tempor purus dolor ornare suspendisse orci taciti tinciduntsodalesvolutpat. Lorem hymenaeos habitant. Primis. Skills & styles Vulputate enim. Hac iaculis

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