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Kizomba Bliss Point Pyama Party With Marten & Yana feat. DJ Nuo & DJ Teo

18:00 - 00:00
18:00 - 00:00

Well, finally!!!👌

You can take off your office clothes, hide your tie and heels, let go of the everyday fuss and relax! Where? Of course, in the beloved Ravado Studio at the most comfortable and relaxing PAJAMA PARTY! 🤗🥰
When? Saturday, January 22, 2022 We put on pajamas and a bullet to us!🏃🏃‍♀️
You are expected:😎 ⠀

✅ 18:00-19:00 — Workshop "Bridging your techniques with musicality" by Marten & Yana! 🔥🔥🔥
🕺💃 Party 19:00-00:00 ⠀ 🎧 DJ Nuo 🎧 DJ Teo ⠀

☝Attention! Pair registration! ⠀
💰 Prepaid price: CouplePass /MK + party/ – 400 UAH (200+200) CouplePass /party/ – 300 UAH (150+150) ⠀
💰At the entrance: CouplePass /MK + party/ – 500 UAH (250+250) CouplePass /party/ – 400 UAH (200+200) ⠀

Prepayment on the card 4790 7299 0540 5809 Oschadbank, Kudrik Igor.
Confirmation of payment: SMS /first and last name/ Bliss Point to +38(067)3454876


Saturday 22 January

About the Artists