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Urban Kizomba Love Story in Malmö – 3:rd Edition!

- Immersive Workshop with Mårten, John, Sylvia, Filippa & Special Guests!

14:00 - 16:45

Let's deepen our love for Kizomba 💞

Kizomba is more than just a dance, it is emotion in motion! 💖 It is no wonder some people call this dance a 3 minute love story! Being a true Street dance it has fantastic music, stylish moves and gives a great platform for you to express yourself! 

In the name of Love, we would like to welcome you to enjoy this immersive Urban Kizomba event in Malmö 5-6 October. Turing this weekend we offer 6 hours of Urban Kizomba workshops a party and daytime social with Mårten, John and Special Guests. 

To celebrate this love for the dance we invite you to an immersive experience where you get to explore and deepen your connection to the dance. 

Leading your way on this Journey is your teachers Mårten and John, Both international Urban Kizomba teachers from Stockholm and Malmö. To their help we have Sylvia & Filippa as well as our special guests will join in the classes and give their 100% on the dance floor! 💘

As the cherry on top we bring to you the new born star DJ Den Megavolt that has been totally sweeping the floors on us with his excellent choice of music and technical mixes! We are sure you will enjoy! 💥

  • 14:00-15:00 Studio opens for registration and Coffee & Music
  • 15:00-17:00 Workshop Session 1
  • 17:00-18:00 Pause & Social Practice
  • 18:00-20:00 Workshop Session 2
  • 20:00-01:00 Party with DJ Den Megavolt
  • 12:00-14:00 Workshop Session 3
  • 14:00-14:40 Daytime social
✅ What is an immersive workshop?

With Movem you as a participant are in the center. The classes are longer and each student get the support and focus they need to develop in their own pace. 

✅ What is the level of the workshop? 

We focus on principles that works rather than long step combination. The material is fun and challenging and starts with exploring the basics in a creative way. This make the classes interesting for both people curious about Kizomba and more experienced dancers. 

✅ Who are the special guests? 

We in Movem has developed a unique workshop format where we invite some extremely experienced dancers as guests and involve them in the class. This makes it possible to make new friends and get to feel how each technique it is really suppose to feel. 

✅ Where do I get my ticket? 

For the best price of your tickets find all the information and tickets get your ticket online:

  • Early Bird Full Pass Leader/follower: 420kr
  • Early Bird Full Pass Couple: 790kr
  • Full Pass Leader/Follower: 480kr
  • Full Pass Couple: 880kr

There are day passes and lingle workshop passes available as well. Please visit out event site for full price list:

Contact us for more information

Johanna Nygren
Mobile: +46708-997777

Mårten Angner
Mobile: +4670-7770579


Saturday 05 November
Studio opens for registration & Coffee

We encourage you to come in good time, hang out with old friends and make new one! You will also have time to have a coffee and change your shoes and make sure everything went well with your ticket!

Workshop Part 1

We start slow, explore & re-visit our foundation in new and creative way, develop and increase the level of the technics

Break & Social dance

We have a little break and let DJ Den Megavolt give us a great slow social mix for us to relax properly. Food options are available for those of us who do not wish to go out to eat!

Workshop Session 2

We continue to build on top of our technics. Practise variations, musicality and develop creativity! The workshop ends with a fun challenge!

White Elegance Party with DJ Den Megavolt

The workshop is day is over and we are making ourselves ready to party!

Sunday 06 November
Workshop Session 3

Let’s have our last session for this time! We use the experiences from Saturday to raise our confidence and comfort in dancing socially!

Daytime social and final

Let’s end this event by getting together enjoying the last dances together!

Tickets conditions

The tickets are non refundable, but transferable to another dancer in the same role at no extra charge. The event is going to be recorded for educational and marketing purposes. The material may be published in edited format for online participation and for marketing purposes.

About the Artists